Office of Development Giving to SFA

Italy: Eat, Explore, Experience the Mediterranean

  • Goal: $5,000
  • $1,680
  • 34% funded
  • 8 donors

Eat, Explore, Experience the Mediterranean
This trip is designed to help students understand the foundations of the Mediterranean diet and lifestyle and the variations of the diet in different regions of Italy. They can then apply this understanding to their areas of study and future careers and gain a deeper perspective on how culture and lifestyle affect health and wellness. Participants will observe and experience small, local Italian farming and distribution; sustainable farming practices; the foods typically eaten in Italy; and the Italian health care system, including social programs as well as major Italian cultural sites. The trip includes visits to eight Italian cities and the surrounding countryside during which students will:

—learn about ecotourism and organic farming; explore olive oil, dairy, and wine production; and go behind the scenes of a butcher shop

—savor the flavors by tasting handmade Parmesan Reggiano, balsamic vinegar, pesto and olive oil, as well as locally caught seafood through cooking classes, farmers market visits and factory tours

—get immersed in Italian culture and history as they relate to health and longevity

—and engage with other students to build global connections.

This farm-to-table experience allows students to connect the Mediterranean lifestyle, food and culture with the health and longevity of the people living there. The sponsorship levels below provide donors with a range of options to fit their budget.

Sponsorship Levels:

Support one student: $5,000

Group cooking class: $2,000

Group farm tour: $1,500

Group dinner: $1,000

Group day trip: $750

Group lunch: $500

Academic presentation scholarship: $250

Passport fee: $165

Airport transportation and parking: $100

Recurring payments

If you would like to support this project with a recurring gift, please indicate how often and how many payments we should schedule.

If you have questions, please contact our annual fund coordinator:

Phone: 936.468.5406

*Indicates a required field.

  • Anonymous Undisclosed gift more than a year ago
  • Lynda Martin $100 more than a year ago
  • Lorenzo M. Smith $100 more than a year ago
  • Janet Owen $250

    Emily Huber

    more than a year ago
  • Rae and Mollie Drake Undisclosed gift more than a year ago
  • David Turbeville $500 more than a year ago
  • Anonymous $100 more than a year ago
  • Heather Howell $100 more than a year ago