Office of Development Impact Jacks

  • $569
  • 28% funded
  • 5 donors
  • Goal: $2,000

Help the AARC Get New Glass Whiteboards

The Academic Assistance and Resource Center reduces student debt! How? When our 150 AARC tutors help thousands of Jacks learn how to learn, they significantly reduce the number of students retaking classes. That’s huge when it comes to reducing the time it takes to graduate. You know what the No. 1 tool is for an AARC tutor to be successful? Whiteboards! We need whiteboards to illustrate and discuss the problem, the event or the term paper. But our whiteboards are so old they don’t even erase properly. We’re looking to replace them with glass white boards. They work well and are an essential part of a learning center like AARC.

Did we help you pass a class when you were in school? Did we help your child? If so, could you return the favor and help us now? We know, these boards are pricey – but the price of repeating class, both in time and money, is much greater.

Help AARC uphold its mantra – Jacks Helping Jacks!

One glass whiteboard for a wall: $400


Please contact the annual fund coordinator at 936.468.5406 or email

Donor Wall

  • Jennifer Cantu

    Here's to 40 more years!


  • Wendy Wyatt Buchanan

    We wanted to support our friend and director M.E. McWilliams in her quest to buy new whiteboards for the AARC ! # AxeEmJacks


  • Hong Chen

    I was a former math tutor. Glad I can help a little.


  • Alina Millard

    As a former tutor, I love M.E. and all the AARC does!


  • Sherriel Ruth
