Leadership Mail

VSIP Reinvestment Summary
Feb. 26, 2021 - 3 p.m.

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Message from the President / VSIP Reinvestment

To: Stephen F. Austin State University Faculty and Staff
Date: February 26, 2021

Dear Colleagues,

In July 2020, I announced the SFA Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP) to address the significant budgetary issues caused by enrollment declines and the coronavirus pandemic. Now that the program participation and budgetary impact has been finalized, I wanted to follow up and share with you the VSIP data. The full recap of information can be seen below.

I am committed to reinvesting in the academic mission of SFA and the provost will determine the specific academic areas for investment. To this end, $2,769,803 (salary and benefits) has been set aside for reinvestment into academics. The provost has begun the reinvestment process.

Other divisions on campus will have a sum total of $1,491,434 (salary and benefits) for investment into staffing.

In summary, I am deeply committed to the academic mission of SFA and understand the growth and success of this university is directly tied to our strong academic programs. I look forward to seeing positions filled and welcoming new faculty and staff to campus.

I thank you for the incredible dedication and commitment you have displayed through this difficult academic year. Through your great efforts, we pushed ourselves beyond our preconceived limits, developed new and creative approaches to teaching and learning, and demonstrated what it means to be a Lumberjack.

I am so proud of each of you.

Scott Gordon

VSIP Program Summary:

Participant numbers:

97 total participants:

  • Faculty = 36 (37%)
  • Staff- = 61 (63%)

Total VSIP salary and benefit dollars:

$8,050,500 ($6,555,748 salaries + $1,494,752 benefits)

Total amount to university fund balance: (Total VSIP salary and benefit dollars) $8,050,500

  • Minus $4,261,236 salary replacement funds (50% VSIP salaries + benefits est 30%) (see below)
  • Minus $705,726 (to fund balance to pay back one-time incentives - amortized over 5yrs)
  • Minus $495,000 (retiree insurance cost)
  • Minus $465,891 (presidential strategic investment fund)
  • Equals $2,122,647 net annual return to fund balance

    Total amount available for faculty/staff reinvestment: $4,261,236

Total Salary: $3,277,874
Total Benefits: $ 983,362

Academic Affairs Investment:

$2,769,803 (= 65% of total amount available to reinvest)

Non-Academic Affairs Investment Target:
(includes all university divisions outside of academic affairs)

$1,491,434 (= 35% of total amount available to reinvest)