Leadership Mail

Campus Update - Thursday, 2/18 at 6:10pm
Feb. 18, 2021 - 6:10 p.m.

Office of the President seal header

Hello, Lumberjacks.

Here’s an update regarding conditions on campus:

Toilets in all residence halls will be flushed by the end of today, and physical plant personnel will flush them again tomorrow if needed. Porta-potties are available in locations across campus. Location maps will be available soon via email and posted in residence halls and at the student center.

The city’s waterlines have begun operating again, but it will take some time for the pressure to build up. We’ve already seen some improvements in the water flow. By Monday, water pressure should be close to normal.

Only two buildings on campus are without power - Military Science and the Ag building.

We have several trees and many limbs down across campus. Some of these are impacting vehicular traffic. We are getting into recovery mode. Clean up will start tomorrow!

Temperatures tonight are expected to drop to 18 degrees, and a hard-freeze warning is in effect for our entire region until 10 a.m. tomorrow. Travel will be dangerous due to the refreezing of melted snow and ice. Continued disruptions to the water supply and strain on the power grid with additional outages are still possible. Please continue to hang in there, and be safe and considerate of your neighbors. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Axe ‘em