Leadership Mail

Telecommuting - Remainder of Fall Semester
Nov. 19, 2020 - 10:54 a.m.

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SFA Faculty and Staff:

We have been fortunate over the fall semester that the impact of COVID-19 on our campus and our operations has been minimal to date. I want to say THANK YOU, because this result is in great part due to everyone’s vigilance in adhering to the practices and protocols that were established to mitigate the spread of this disease.

Now, as we prepare to finish the semester following Thanksgiving Break, I strongly encourage all department heads to allow employees who are able to perform the duties of their job remotely to telecommute after the Thanksgiving holiday, beginning Nov. 30, and continuing through Dec. 18, the last workday before the Christmas holiday. Employees who are unable to perform the duties of their job remotely, as well as essential personnel, will be expected to report to campus for work.

Emergency leave is not authorized for this time, and emergency paid sick leave from the Families First Covid-19 Response Act may be used only for the reasons explained on the HR website. Employees who are ineligible for FFCRA emergency paid sick leave should use personal leave for any work hours not completed either on campus or via telecommuting.

The President’s Cabinet has delegated the authority to determine essential personnel to department heads, as they are more acutely aware of essential operational needs. To continue to meet the university’s needs, we have determined that offices identified as essential to university operations must have at least one full-time employee in the office on campus during the period referenced. Department heads may determine if more individuals are needed to perform the necessary work responsibilities.

Employees who plan to telecommute (and do not currently have an approved telecommuting request form on file) should submit the new electronic telecommuting request form found on the Employee tab of mySFA in the Employee Info section. More information regarding the new telecommuting form can be found on the HR website.

In addition, to minimize campus-wide utility costs, following commencement on Dec. 12, the following buildings will be closed and utility support will be turned off until the campus opens on Jan. 4, 2021:

  • Lehmann Chemistry Building
  • Shelton Gym
  • Kennedy Auditorium
  • Miller Science Building
  • Ferguson Building
  • Human Sciences North
  • Human Sciences South
  • Boynton Building
  • Forestry Building
  • Norton HPE Complex
  • McGee Business Building
  • McKibben Education Building
  • Bush Mathematical Sciences Building
  • Dugas Liberal Arts North
  • Human Services Building
  • Cole STEM Building
  • All Residence Halls, except Landing and Village

Employees who work in offices located in these buildings and are unable to telecommute should work with their supervisor to determine an appropriate work location.

Thank you,

Scott Gordon signature

Scott Gordon