Leadership Mail

RE: Formation of the University Budget Council (UBC)
March 16, 2021 - 10:12 a.m.

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As a follow-up to the 2/9/21 UBC email below, I would like to announce the membership for the University Budget Council (UBC). Dr. Gallant will be working with the Council to schedule the first UBC meeting very soon. Thanks to those who will be serving on this important university council which will expand communication, shared governance and transparency of university budgets.

March 2021
University Budget Council (UBC)
(all terms are 3yrs unless specified otherwise)

Faculty Senate Representative:

  • Chris Mckenna

Faculty Representatives:

  • Rusche College of Business
    • Janet Jones
    • Stephanie Ross – 2yr
  • Perkins College of Education
    • Barbara Qualls
    • Todd Barrios – 2yr
  • College of Fine Arts
    • Richard Berry
    • Angela Bacarisse – 2yr
    • Jeremy Stovall
    • Michael Maurer – 2yr
  • College of Liberal & Applied Arts
    • Larry King
    • Leslie Cecil – 2yr
  • College of Science and Mathematics
    • Keith Hubbard
    • Erin Bailey – 2yr

Steen Library

  • Edward Iglesias

Staff Members

  • Megan Weatherly
  • Beverly Morehouse - 2yr

Department Chairs

  • Mike Janusa
  • Kelly Noe – 2yr

Academic Deans

  • Tim Bisping
  • Kim Childs – 2yr

Cabinet Selections:

  • Athletics
    • Rob Meyers
  • ITS
    • Mike Coffee
  • Enrollment Management
    • Alex Reisinger
  • Student Affairs
    • Carrie Charlie
  • Advancement
    • Trey Turner
  • Academic Affairs
    • Alicia Collins
  • CDO
    • Veronica Beavers

From: Office of the President
Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 11:38 AM
Subject: Formation of the University Budget Council (UBC)

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University Budget Council (UBC)

In an effort to bolster shared-governance and promote budget transparency at SFA, the university is establishing a University Budget Council (UBC).

Like many academic institutions, SFA has and will continue to be faced with significant budget constraints due to COVID-19, enrollment declines, demographic shifts, auxiliary challenges, etc. In order to face these serious challenges head-on and collectively, we must seek and utilize input from a variety of university stakeholders and enhance our communication with each other – especially on budgetary matters. Below is a brief overview of and charge to the UBC:

Brief Overview of the University Budget Council:

The UBC will serve in an advisory capacity to the president with the primary focus to help ensure that the university’s priorities are reflected in the operating budget through coordinated consultation, discussion, education, and outreach to the University community.

The UBC will consist of faculty, staff, students and administrators. Members of the UBC will share a commitment to transparency in fiscal decision-making and serve to inform the university community about operating budget matters. The UBC will facilitate communication regarding the operating budget in a transparent and informative manner with the university community.

The UBC will seek input from the university community about general operating budget matters as a means to inform priority funding recommendations. The UBC shall review current year forecasts of the operating budget and cash flow throughout the year and longer-range projections at least annually. In times of operating budget reversions, the council will review and recommend budget reduction plans. The UBC will work with the president to establish priority funding recommendations based on the university’s strategic plan.

Council Membership:

This Council will be comprised of a diverse group of members from across the university. Members shall be selected by and from the appropriate constituencies as indicated below.

  • One Faculty Senate representative selected by the Senate
  • Two faculty members from each college. Faculty Senate will work with colleges to determine selection of faculty representatives.
  • One Steen Library representative as selected by the Library
  • Two professional staff members
  • Two department chairs selected by the Chair’s Forum
  • Two student representatives selected by SGA
  • Two academic deans selected by the Council of Deans
  • One representative from each of the cabinet areas as selected by the cabinet member
  • Ex-Officio and support staff from finance and administration

Terms of Service:

Normal terms of service will be three years. Members may be selected to a second three year term.

In order to provide staggered rotations for areas with two committee members, the initial term selection of those areas will have one two-year term and one three-year term.

The UBC is charged to:

  • Provide oversight of the annual budget preparation process.
  • Review the proposed operating budget.
  • Participate in the development of the university funding initiatives which are submitted biennially to state agencies in Austin.
  • Focus on forming balanced and achievable university operating and capital budget proposals.
  • Provide oversight and recommendations regarding the university’s budget policies for sponsored activity, investment pool payout activity, designated funds, and capital campaign funds.
  • Meet at least once monthly throughout the academic year.
  • Assist in developing quarterly budget dashboards to be shared with campus.

There is an expectation that UBC members will represent the best interests of the university, not advocate for individual units. UBC members are asked to commit to active and engaged participation in the council’s work.

The UBC will be chaired by the VP for finance and administration (or designee), who will have no voting rights. The budget office will staff the UBC and maintain minutes and official records. The UBC is principally supported by the associate vice president for financial and administrative services, institutional research and assessment, with assistance from budget professionals in the university budget office and the provost’s office.

The University Budget Council’s work will be presented to the president and cabinet for endorsement followed by submission to the Board of Regents for approval.