Leadership Mail

Newly Revised University Policies
July 30, 2021 - 9:02 a.m.

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To: All Faculty and Staff
From: Scott Gordon, President
Date: July 30, 2021
Subject: Newly Revised University Policies

The following chart summarizes the changes that were made to university policies implemented or revised at this week’s Board of Regents meeting. Please follow the link from the name of the policy to the newest version in the SFA Policy Manual. You may follow the link on the description of the action/change for each policy to view all the revisions made to that policy.

Policy Name Policy Number Action/Change
Access to University Records 2.1. Minor revisions.
Auditing a Course – Tuition and Fees 3.3. Minor revisions.
Central Stores 17.3. Minor revisions.
Computer Purchase and Replacement 17.4. Deleted-Combined with 17.3.
Distance Education Faculty Competencies and Compensation 7.9. No changes.
Employee Training and Development 11.11. Minor revisions and new name.
Energy Conservation 16.10. Minor revisions.
External Bank Accounts 3.14. Minor revisions.
Financial Exigency 3.15. No changes.
Firearms, Explosives and Ammunition 13.9. Revisions made to comply with the new constitutional carry legislation.
Fleet Management 16.11. Minor revisions.
Graduate Admission 6.17. Minor revisions.
Graduate Assistantships 6.12. Added another type of Graduate Assistantship.
Hazing 10.3. Minor revisions.
Illicit Drugs and Alcohol Abuse 13.11. Revisions made to align this policy with the policy 10.4.
Information Security Incident Response and Reporting 14.14. No changes.
Lease, Rental or Use of Off-Campus Facilities 16.15. Minor revisions.
Nondiscrimination 2.11. Additional process and streamline of existing processes.
Out-of-State Electronic Fee 3.24. No changes.
Parking and Traffic 13.14. New name and removed procedures, parking fines and parking fees from policy.
Physical Plant Charges 16.20. Minor revisions.
Post Bond Issuance Federal Tax Compliance 3.5. Minor revisions.
Procurement Training 17.25. Minor revisions.
Purchasing Ethics 17.21. New name and minor revisions and combined with policy 17.22.
Purchasing Ethics and Confidentiality 17.22. Deleted-Combined with 17.21.
Radioactive or Radiation-Producing Materials or Equipment 13.17. Minor revisions.
Records Managements 2.9. Combined with 2.14.
Rental of University Vehicles 16.23. Minor revisions.
Additional Compensation 12.16. New name and minor revisions.
Service Awards 12.17. Deleted and combined with 12.20.
Social Media 15.11. Clarification on terms and other revisions.
State Publications 2.14. Deleted and combined with 2.9.
Student Code of Conduct 10.4. Minor revisions.
Student Employment 10.6. Minor revisions.
Telecommuting Arrangements for Staff Employees 11.27. Location clarification.
Title IX 2.13. Minor revisions.
University Award Programs 12.20. Combined with 12.17.
University ID Cards 14.13. Tx Bill No. 279 required updates.
Wireless Networking 14.11. No changes.