Leadership Mail

Interim Period VPFA Leadership
June 6, 2023 - 2:36 p.m.

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On June 1, I began my role as interim president. As SFA continues the transition into The University of Texas System, it is imperative we continue the great work that is underway for our university, which includes filling interim roles to lead the university while we seek SFA’s 11th president.

I have asked Judi Kruwell, current associate vice president for finance and administration, to serve as interim vice president for finance and administration. Judi previously held this title from July 2021 until April 2022. She earned her Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting from SFA and is a certified public accountant.

During the interim period, John Branch will serve as interim assistant vice president for finance and administration while continuing in his current role as director of facilities services and operations. John has been with SFA for 27 years. He earned a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from SFA.

At the end of my service as interim president, I will return to my role as vice president for finance and administration. At this time, both Judi and John will revert back to their previous positions.

I am confident that the division of finance and administration is in good hands under the leadership of Judi and John and the division directors, leaders and employees. I hope you will join me in embracing this period of transition.

Gina Oglesbee
Interim President