Leadership Mail

Updated COVID-19 Campus Protocols
April 6, 2021 - 9:06 a.m.

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Updated COVID-19 Campus Protocols


With expanded vaccine availability and limited impact from spring break travel, COVID-19 conditions are trending in a promising direction on campus, in Nacogdoches, within the local trauma service area (TSA H), and within the State of Texas.

As of April 5, there are three active cases connected to campus – three students and zero employees – while available capacity at North and South halls for quarantine/isolation is at 99% respectively.

The COVID-19 Operations Team, Faculty Senate and Chairs Forum leadership, members of the President’s Cabinet, along with representation from the Student Government Association, have met and updated recommendations for campus COVID-19 protocols. I have reviewed and accepted their recommendations and put forward the following campus protocols for Summer and Fall 2021 terms.

This plan offers a path to move from Campus Operation Status 2 (which has been the status since Fall 2020) to a Status 1.5 in Summer 2021 before reaching Status 1 (normal operations) in Fall 2021.

Status 1.5 is recommended to take effect May 17, 2021, and remain in place until the beginning of the fall semester.

Summer 2021 – Status 1.5

Face Coverings – Individuals must continue to wear face coverings over the nose and mouth in indoor classrooms and labs, until further notice. Individuals are also strongly encouraged to do so wherever it is not feasible to maintain physical distance from another person not in the same household. The face covering exemptions process will remain the same.

Physical Distance – Campus physical distance requirements have been adjusted from 6 feet to 3 feet in classrooms and shared spaces.

Occupancy Levels and Physical DistanceOccupancy on campus will open to 100%, with the exception of classrooms, laboratories and shared spaces requiring a physical distance of 3 feet.

Travel and TransportationFace coverings will remain mandatory on all public transportation. It is strongly encouraged in SFA/state-owned or -rented vehicles.

Sanitation/Cleaning – All areas on campus will continue to be cleaned and sanitized, with focused attention on high-traffic areas. This will allow custodians to begin to return to their regular cleaning schedule.

Dining – Continue current COVID-19 protocols.

Athletic Events – Continue to follow the NCAA protocols for athletic events.

Health Clinic Testing, Contact Tracing and Isolation Rooms – Remain in operation through the summer term.

Vaccine – SFA employees and students have assisted in the administration of more than 20,000 COVID-19 vaccinations in Nacogdoches County in 2021. As of Monday, March 29, Texas vaccine eligibility has been extended to all individuals 18 years of age and older, as well as educators. COVID-19 vaccines are not mandatory for students or employees at this time.

If You Are Sick, Stay Home – It is important for individuals to remain vigilant of their health and symptoms. Individuals should screen themselves for COVID-19 symptoms daily. If they feel sick, they must stay home. If they have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has, they must follow quarantine and isolation guidelines and get tested. If an individual tests positive, they should report it in MySFA.

Flexibility – As with any pandemic plan, this plan must remain flexible. While we recommend reopening the campus to normal operation in Fall 2021 with a summer transition, some level of limitations may be necessary if pandemic conditions worsen. Such plans are developed and ready in reserve. We are hopeful that increased availability of COVID vaccines and increased herd immunity over the summer will allow campus operations to return to normal.

Fall 2021 – Status 1

The current plan for Fall 2021 is to enter Status 1, which will allow a return to full classroom capacity and normal operations. As of now, face covering requirements will remain in place, with reevaluation of the face covering requirements possible as pandemic conditions, vaccination levels and other trends improve.

Note: This document outlines COVID-19 safety protocols as we move into the summer and fall terms. As noted in the 12/17/2020 Memorandum of Understanding: Faculty, in conjunction with their unit heads, will have full authority to determine modality and term length for courses.