Leadership Mail

Updated COVID-19 Guidance: Isolation and Quarantine
Jan. 26, 2022 - 12:35 p.m.

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SFA has developed new COVID-19 guidelines in an ongoing effort to protect the health of our students, faculty and staff. The university has adopted the following guidelines for COVID-positive results, close contacts, and individuals who are symptomatic with no known close contact. Please take time to review the guidelines as they may affect your current quarantine or isolation status.

If you test positive for COVID-19 - Everyone, regardless of vaccination status

  • Complete the COVID-19 self-reporting form.
  • Faculty and staff - Notify your supervisor.
  • Students - If you live on campus, notify your hall staff; and if you work on campus, notify your supervisor.

Isolation Option 1:

  • Stay home for five (5) days.
  • If you have no symptoms, mild symptoms, or your symptoms resolve after five (5) days, you may remove yourself from isolation.
    • If you were moderately or severely ill, you must comply with Option 2 of this section.
    • Please visit the SFA COVID-19 info page for the definitions of mild, moderate, and severe illness.
  • CDC guidelines are to wear a mask around others for five (5) additional days.

Isolation Option 2:

If your symptoms have not resolved following Day 5 of isolation, or your symptoms are moderate or severe:

  • Stay home and isolate for a total of 10 days
    • If your symptoms are gone or resolving and you are fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications after 10 days, you may end isolation.
    • A negative test is not required to return from isolation.

If you are in close contact with someone with COVID-19 and you are fully vaccinated OR tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 90 days

  • No quarantine is required unless you develop symptoms.
    • If you develop symptoms, follow the steps in the “If you have symptoms” section.
  • CDC guidelines are to wear a mask around others for 10 days.
  • Consider testing on Day 5.
  • Take precautions until Day 10 by avoiding travel and being around people who are at high risk.

If you are in close contact with someone with COVID-19 and you are NOT fully vaccinated or tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 90 days

  • Stay home and quarantine for five (5) days after last exposure.
  • Consider testing on Day 5.
  • If you are symptom-free after five (5) days, you may remove yourself from isolation.
  • CDC guidelines are to wear a mask around others for five (5) additional days.
  • Take precautions until Day 10 by avoiding travel and being around people who are at high risk.
    • If you develop symptoms, follow the steps in the “If you have symptoms” section.

If you have symptoms and no known close contact with a positive case, regardless of vaccination status.

  • Stay home and isolate yourself from others.
  • Consider getting tested.
  • You may end isolation if you test negative, your symptoms are improving, AND you are fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
  • If you are unable to get a test or if you test positive, follow the option that best fits your symptoms in the positive test protocol above.

For more information regarding the new guidelines, visit the SFA COVID-19 info page. You may direct any questions concerning COVID-19 to higginsjk@sfasu.edu.