Leadership Mail

Campus Update - Saturday, 2/20 at 1145am
Feb. 20, 2021 - 11:46 a.m.

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Dear Campus Community:

The storms are behind us and we are now in cleanup/recovery mode. Campus is very active with cleanup crews, so be careful when you are out and about, watch for trucks and other vehicles used to assist in the cleanup. A big THANK YOU to all the crews that are working today and tomorrow. If you see them, thank them!!

On-Campus Dining:

  • Please check for updates regarding on-campus dining options at: https://sfasu.campusdish.com/
  • SFA students will continue to be served from the Student Center Dining Hall.

Campus Cleanup:

  • Crews are working all day today and tomorrow to get campus cleaned up and ready for campus reopening.

Campus Housing and Water:

  • Nacogdoches is still under a water boil directive. Please do not drink the water without following proper safety precautions: Prior to consuming, bring water to a full boil for at least two minutes and then allow to cool. Residence halls and the Student Center will have drinking water available.
  • You are free to shower in your residence hall, but please refrain from drinking the water until the water boil directive has been lifted.

Assisting the Region:

  • A caterer from Dallas, Eddie Deen, will utilize the East College Dining Hall today and Sunday to serve meals to the linemen and other personnel working to restore electrical power in Nacogdoches county. The caterer will be bringing their own food and supplies and will use our facility only as a staging area. The SFA administration is happy to provide this assistance as part of the effort to restore power to East Texas.

Reminder - If you have concerns regarding classes and assignments:

  • The faculty are very much aware of the challenges we all have faced in the past months. They have been asked to provide as much leniency as possible while still meeting the requirements of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. While we hope they will extend every grace possible, it is imperative that you do everything in your power, even during these challenging times, to work diligently to meet the learning expectations of your courses. This will be a true test of your stamina. If you need assistance, please contact these resources when campus reopens: the AARC, your academic advisor or faculty members, or Counseling Services (936.468.2401).

We must remember that COVID-19 is still a health risk and is especially dangerous to members of our community with high-risk factors. Please remember to wear face coverings and practice social distancing. Please be as careful as possible and stay strong – Lumberjack Strong!!

Axe ‘em!