Leadership Mail

Message from the Lumberjack Innovation Team
Sep. 3, 2020 - 4:20 p.m.

SFA Community,

Thank you so much for attending the Lumberjack Innovation Team Town Hall Meeting yesterday afternoon. The feedback I have received from many of you has been enthusiastic and positive. We are excited about the direction these efforts are taking us!

If you were unable to attend the Town Hall yesterday but you are interested in viewing the recording, please go to the “President’s Corner” tab in mySFA. Also, the document shared by the Lumberjack Innovation Team yesterday can be found here.

Please reach out if you are interested in volunteering for one of our subgroups or have any suggestions.

Thank you,

SFA logo - for signatures Jason Reese, PhD
Associate Professor of Marketing
Faculty Athletics Representative
Assistant Department Chair | Department of Management & Marketing
Nelson Rusche College of Business | Stephen F. Austin State University
T 936.468.1465