Leadership Mail

August 1st Return to Normal Operations
July 1, 2021 - 11:38 a.m.

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Updated COVID-19 Campus Protocols

Beginning August 1, 2021, Stephen F. Austin State University will transition the campus pandemic safety protocols back to Status 1 (Normal Operations). This change adheres to evolving guidelines produced by the CDC and state mandates.

With this transition, we look forward to the return of pre-pandemic operational norms in class formats, student life and other university traditions at SFA! Though most protocols will be lifted through this operational status change, some pandemic resources will remain as we begin the Fall semester.

Vaccination – Vaccination will remain voluntary and strongly encouraged. In compliance with Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s Executive Order GA-35, the university will not require individuals to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or provide proof of vaccination. We strongly encourage the SFA community to receive the COVID-19 vaccine to further secure a fully in-person education experience. Getting your COVID-19 vaccine helps keep you and your fellow Lumberjacks safe. Do your part in getting vaccinated today!

We encourage everyone to complete SFA’s voluntary vaccine reporting survey, now live on the home page of MySFA. By completing this confidential survey, individuals assist the campus in identifying SFA’s overall vaccination rate.

SFA recommends unvaccinated individuals follow CDC guidelines and continue to practice COVID-19 protocols.

SFA employees and students have assisted in the administration of more than 20,000+ COVID-19 vaccinations in Nacogdoches County in 2021. In Texas, vaccine eligibility has been extended to all individuals 12 years of age and older and will be made available to students throughout the fall semester.

Face coverings – These mandates have been lifted in all areas on campus. This change has allowed the university to comply with Governor Greg Abbott’s Executive Order GA-36 which states the following:

“No governmental entity, including a county, city, school district, and public health authority, and no governmental official may require any person to wear a face covering or to mandate that another person wear a face covering.”

Occupancy Levels and Physical DistancingOccupancy on campus will open to 100% in all areas, with no physical distancing required.

Classrooms and Laboratories – Classrooms and labs will be open at 100% capacity with flexible modality available.

Travel and Transportation – Face coverings will not be required in any SFA/state-owned or rented vehicles including public transportation. Also, all vehicle and public transportation occupancy is at 100%.

Sanitation/Cleaning – All areas on campus will continue to be cleaned and sanitized. Custodians will return to their regular cleaning schedule.

Dining – Dining halls will be open at full capacity and will retain options for self-serve and to-go meals.

Residence Life – Residence hall move-in will be staggered over three days. Residents will be assigned a two-hour window to move in and may bring two helpers. All residence halls will be open at 100%.

Recreation Center – The Student Recreation Center will be open at 100% capacity and enhanced cleaning protocols will remain in place.

Athletic Events – Athletic events will be open at 100% capacity.

Visitors – It is recommended that all unvaccinated visitors continue to follow COVID-19 protocols to protect themselves and the SFA community from possible transmission.

Health Clinic Testing, Contact Tracing and Isolation Rooms – All will remain in operation through the beginning of the fall semester and will be re-evaluated periodically.

If You Are Sick, Stay Home – It is important for individuals to remain vigilant of their health and symptoms. Individuals should screen themselves for COVID-19 symptoms daily. If they feel sick, they must stay home. If they have symptoms of COVID-19 or if an unvaccinated person has been in close contact with someone who has, they must follow quarantine and isolation guidelines and get tested. If an individual tests positive, they should report it in MySFA.

Report Positive Tests – Those who test positive for COVID-19 should report positive test results through the reporting link on the MySFA homepage. Reporting test results accelerates contact tracing and cleaning to decrease overall risk of spreading COVID-19 at SFA.

Monitoring – SFA will continue to monitor COVID-19 cases reported on campus throughout the Fall semester to ensure no additional protocols are necessary as the year progresses. The current case count for campus can be seen here.

Any additional questions may be directed to Jeremy Higgins at ext. 4532.