Leadership Mail

Fundraising Protocols
July 19, 2021 - 2:52 p.m.

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I hope you are having a wonderful summer!

The 2021-22 school year is nearly upon us, and it brings with it more reasons than usual to celebrate. In addition to our regularly scheduled Homecoming festivities in October, the university will launch the public phase of our second comprehensive campaign in SFA’s nearly 100-year history.

To ensure we make the most of this opportunity, we must all be aware of and follow required protocols for university fundraising efforts.

University Policy 3.17 states, “The Office of Development is the primary source of contact with non-university personnel or entities for development-related purposes, including but not limited to stewardship and solicitation of funds. No individual or company may be solicited for any gift, loan, endowment, or bequest by any member of the faculty or staff of the university until that individual has presented the Office of Development with a copy of the proposal or request for funds and has received approval thereof.”

We have lots of great ideas and worthy pursuits among our campus community. To make sure we have the best chances of success, please join me in following these important policies to make sure our fundraising plans and efforts are strategic, efficient and effective. Together, we will elevate and transform SFA for the next century.

Thank you,

Scott Gordon