New Code of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
Aug. 1, 2023 - 4:40 p.m.

Greetings faculty,
I hope you have had a great summer. As I am sure you are aware, as part of us joining the University of Texas System, we have transitioned to a new Code of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. If the old Student Code of Conduct comes up, you will need to delete your browser cache. This new code, which encompasses both academic and behavioral conduct, goes into effect today, Aug. 1.
We have scheduled multiple training sessions at the end of this month and in September to offer you the opportunity to come and learn about the new policy and process. You can sign up for Zoom sessions here or in-person sessions here.
We will also be working with your academic deans and chairs to schedule additional training sessions as needed to ensure you are comfortable in adjudicating this new process. We have two new staff members in the Dean of Students Office who are here to assist you. George Montgomery is the new assistant dean of students and can be reached at Brendan Lardie is the new coordinator for student conduct and can be reached at
We look forward to working with you this year on this new policy and process.
Andrew J. Dies, Ed.D.
Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Stephen F. Austin State University | Dean of Students Office
T 936.468.7249 | F 936.468.7111