Leadership Mail

Face covering Mandate
Jan. 26, 2021 - 8:24 a.m.

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Dear SFA campus community,

I want to thank everyone for the great start to the spring 2021 semester. While I have observed that most people are helping to keep our campus safe by complying with the face covering requirement, I have seen some exceptions.

I want to reinforce the requirement that face coverings are to be worn by all individuals on campus in the following areas:

  • Indoor public areas, except where otherwise marked, even if a person is alone (includes all non-private offices, academic areas and residential spaces such as lobbies, hallways, restrooms, classrooms, teaching laboratories, common spaces in residence halls, conference rooms and break rooms); and
  • Outdoor spaces where 6 feet of physical distancing is difficult to reliably maintain.

To reiterate, the reason this mandate is in place is to slow the spread of COVID-19. The primary purpose of wearing a face covering is to reduce the amount of virus spreading from wearer (who may not know they have and are spreading the virus) into the environment and to others. Secondarily, the face covering may protect the wearer from airborne viruses.

Remember, the use of a face covering does not replace the continued need to maintain an adequate physical distance from others – at least 6 feet. Face coverings, physical distance and frequent handwashing will help reduce the likelihood of virus transmission.

Exemptions to this mandate will be considered for persons with certain disabilities and/or medical conditions. Employees may request an exemption by contacting Human Resources for guidance. Students may request an exemption by contacting Disability Services.

Additional information and FAQs are available on the Guide to Spring 2021 website.

Each of us plays a role in keeping our campus community safe and healthy, and we appreciate your support and your efforts toward this goal.


Scott Gordon signature

Scott Gordon, President