Leadership Mail

All university events must be reviewed for COVID-19 safety protocol compliance
April 23, 2021 - 3:45 p.m.

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I am directing all offices, departments, programs and university-affiliated entities engaged in any events to review their plans, regardless of location or audience, to ensure compliance with COVID-19 safety protocols.

Members of our SFA community have noted some recent events when physical distancing was not observed and masks were not worn. It is a legitimate concern for them to raise, and we must be responsible and responsive.

All events must be reviewed by the COVID-19 team for compliance and sensible measures to protect against the spread of infection. Physical distancing and proper mask wearing (nose and mouth) must be part of the consideration, based on how many people attend, whether an event is indoors or outdoors, what the capacity of an indoor space is, whether there is food and drink at the event and other important considerations.

Any university-sponsored events, whether on or off campus, are subject to this review and these requirements. Please contact Jeremy Higgins, director of environmental health, safety and risk management, at higginsjk@sfasu.edu.

Thank you for your compliance and sacrifice to keep our community healthy. Thank you for your patience as we adjust to more people being vaccinated and having greater ability to socialize. We are not out of the woods yet, and need to be in this together. Your behavior and choices are not just about your own health or safety; they are about protecting others and helping us speed up recovery.