Leadership Mail

Severe Weather Information
Jan. 10, 2021 - 11:29 a.m.

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Severe Weather Information

The SFA administration and UPD are continuing to closely monitor the weather conditions that will impact East Texas today and tonight.

When weather conditions pose a significant threat to the safety of students, faculty and staff, SFA classes will be delayed or canceled. The university administration strives to make these decisions as early as possible. Check SFA’s website and Facebook pages for weather-related announcements.

Current SFA students, faculty and staff should receive a Jack Alert message notifying you that the opening time is delayed or if the university is closing for the day. Before severe or winter weather arrives, be sure your contact information is correct. Updates can be made via mySFA.

If the weather conditions could make driving dangerous, please check local media reports or this website before setting out for campus. Only delayed openings or closures are announced. If an announcement is not made, then the university will be open as normal.

Information about road conditions

Individuals who commute long distances to campus may want to contact the Texas Department of Transportation's area hotline for information on road conditions at (800) 452-9292. The 24-hour recording is updated regularly.

For information on road conditions in other counties, call the Texas Department of Transportation directly at (800) 452-9292.

For SFA employees

If classes are canceled or delayed and you are considered an essential staff member, check with your supervisor about whether you should report to work. To accommodate employees who must leave early for work, SFA will make every effort to make decisions about delayed openings and closures as soon as possible.

We are in contact with area school districts and will take into account decisions they make regarding potential delays or closures as we make a decision for our campus.

If your department does not have an updated calling tree to notify staff members about delays and closures, please develop or revise a document with the pertinent information and distribute it to all departmental members.