Leadership Mail

False Reporting Incident on Campus - September 14th
Sep. 28, 2020 - 8:44 a.m.

I have been briefed on the incident that took place on September 14th and want everyone to know that SFA takes this matter very seriously. Filing a false report violates the SFA Code of Conduct and potentially violates the law as well. The investigation and judicial process take time. I want to urge everyone to withhold judgment until the conclusion of our investigation and process. I have directed staff to be thorough and keep me apprised throughout this investigation. Each perpetrator will be dealt with appropriately.

My heart goes out to the young lady who was an innocent victim in this matter. We will do all we can to support her and her family through this heinous ordeal.

We will not have this at SFA!

Dr. Scott Gordon
Stephen F. Austin State University