Leadership Mail

Statement regarding status of presidential contract
Sep. 27, 2021 - 10:08 p.m.

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The Stephen F. Austin State University Board of Regents met today in Executive Session to consider the question of revoking the contract of President Scott Gordon. The Board of Regents deliberated on and weighed the concerns expressed by the faculty, staff and students. After careful consideration of all factors, the Board did not take the action requested regarding the President’s contract. The Board recognizes that the relationship between President Gordon and the academic community currently is strained and must be reestablished by both parties with mutual respect and cooperation in order for the university to fully achieve its potential. The Board acknowledges the SFA faculty and staff to be a primary driver of the university’s performance and expresses its appreciation for the continuing efforts of the faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the university to advance the quality of SFA’s instruction, operations and overall reputation. The Board is committed to greater accessibility in its own relationship with all sectors of the university community and affirms its own and the President’s accountability for promoting a campus culture of excellence and integrity.