Leadership Mail

COVID-19 and Campus Face-Covering Requirements
March 5, 2021 - 10:03 a.m.

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Happy Friday, Lumberjacks.

Before spring break officially begins, I wanted to provide you with information regarding our COVID-19 policies and, specifically, the face-covering requirement. After receiving input from the Student Government Association and our Faculty Senate, our SFA COVID-19 Operations Team has recommended that the face-covering requirement remain in effect on campus until the end of the spring semester.

I concur with this recommendation, and as a result SFA’s face-covering requirement will remain in place until further notice.

Although Gov. Abbott rescinded the statewide mandate, his order encouraged institutions of higher education to establish standards provided by the Texas Education Agency. The Texas Education Agency responded by updating their protocols to include this statement:

Every student, teacher or staff member shall wear a mask over the nose and mouth when inside a school building, school facility, facility used for school activities, or when in an outdoor space on school property…wherever it is not feasible to maintain six feet of social distancing from another person not in the same household..

Additionally, federal public health officials have strongly urged Americans to continue wearing face masks to control the spread of COVID-19 and limit the emergence of potentially more dangerous variants.

The well-being of our faculty, staff and students remains our highest priority, and we are committed to maintaining a campus environment that is as safe as possible and minimizes the spread of COVID-19. I hope you will commit to complying with the safety measures that protect our ability to safely hold face-to-face classes and other events.

I appreciate the work of our COVID-19 Operations Team and support the team’s decision regarding face coverings. We will review the policy again at the end of the semester and keep you informed when any changes are made.

Have a fabulous and safe spring break.

Axe ’em!

President Gordon