Leadership Mail

Vice Presidential Search
Sep. 16, 2020 - 10:11 a.m.

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SFA Faculty and Staff:

I am pleased to announce that we have launched the searches for the Vice President for Student Affairs (previously VP for University Affairs) and the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (previously Provost and VP for Academic Affairs). As mentioned in the Fall Welcome meeting, we will conduct a national search to find the best person to fill these crucial positions.

The search firms and committee members are listed below. Each of the search Chairs/Co-Chairs will keep the campus updated on search progress.

Vice President for Student Affairs Spelman Johnson

Committee Member Area Represented
Dr. Danny Gallant Chair
John Wyatt HR Liaison
Carrie Charley Auxiliary Services/Residence Life
Jessica Waguespack Campus Recreation
Erma Nieto-Brecht Enrollment Management
Dr. Janice Ledet Health Services
Saville Harris Student Affairs
Dr. Hollie Smith Student Affairs
Veronica Beavers Student Affairs
Chief John Fields University Police
Brandi Bryant Athletics
Jessica Barrett Budget Office
Ron Watson Physical Plant
Chris Moore Student Government Association

Provost and Executive Vice President (Academic Affairs) Storbeck Search & Associates

Committee Member Area Represented
Dr. Jeremy Stovall Co-chair
Anthony Espinoza Co-chair
Deja Peterson HR Liaison
Dr. Buddy Himes Deans’ Forum, Fine Arts
Dr. Lesa Beverly Chairs’ Forum, Sciences and Mathematics
Dr. Mikhail Kouliavtsev Chairs’ Forum, Business
Dr. Stephen Taaffe Liberal and Applied Arts
Dr. Linda Bobo Education
Dr. Erin Brown Forestry and Agriculture
Tina Oswald Faculty Senate, Library
Dr. Nina Ellis-Hervey Education
Dr. Carmen Montana-Schalk Sciences and Mathematics
Shanta Scott Non-tenure track faculty, Liberal and Applied Arts
Megan Weatherly Academic Affairs Staff, Center for Teaching &Learning
SFA logo - for signatures Scott Gordon
Stephen F. Austin State University | President's Office
T 936.468.2201 | F 936.468.2202

The views and opinions expressed in this message are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Stephen F. Austin State University, its Board of Regents, or the State of Texas.