Leadership Mail

Formation of the University Budget Council
Jan. 28, 2021 - 12:15 p.m.

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Dear Campus Community:

In an effort to promote budget transparency at SFA and to enhance shared governance and decision-making, I will be establishing the University Budget Council (UBC). Over the next 30-45 days, we will be working with a wide range of constituency groups from across campus to populate this council. We will begin the work of the council immediately after formation.

Like many academic institutions, SFA will continue to be faced with significant budget constraints due to a variety of factors, including: COVID-19, enrollment declines, demographic shifts, auxiliary challenges, etc. In order to face these serious challenges head-on and collectively, we must seek and utilize input from a variety of university stakeholders. In addition, we must enhance our communication with one another – especially on budgetary matters. Below is a brief overview of the proposed UBC.

Brief Overview of the University Budget Council

The UBC will serve in an advisory capacity to the president with the primary focus on providing input and recommendations on budgetary matters. The vice president for finance and administration will chair the council. The UBC, through coordinated consultation, discussion, education, and outreach to the university community will provide recommendations to ensure that the university’s priorities are reflected in the operating budget.

The UBC will seek input from the university community about general operating budget matters as a means to inform priority funding recommendations. The UBC will regularly review current year operating budgets and longer-range projections. In times of operating budget reversions, the council will review and recommend budget reduction plans. The UBC will work with the university leadership to establish priority funding recommendations based on the university’s strategic plan.

The UBC will consist of a wide array of faculty, staff, and administrators. Members of the UBC will share a commitment to transparency in fiscal decision-making and serve to inform the university community about budgetary matters. The UBC will facilitate communication regarding the operating budget in a transparent and informative manner within the university community.

Over the next several weeks, more information will be shared about this council including specific charges, membership selection, meeting schedule, etc.


Scott Gordon signature

Scott A. Gordon, President