Leadership Mail

Charitable Campaign Kickoff Today!
Oct. 18, 2021 - 9:20 a.m.


Today, we kick off the Stephen F. Austin State University State Employee Charitable Contribution Campaign. Please consider participating by donating to one of the many worthwhile charities to help us meet our goal of raising $16,000 for people in need. Here are the details:

Campaign Period: Oct. 18 through 29

Choose a Charity
Support a charity by entering the corresponding charity code on the SECC pledge form. Codes are found in the charity listings:

Do the Paperwork
You may complete and return the pledge form or request a hard copy from an SECC leader. If desired, this paperwork will allow you to donate through automatic payroll deductions.

Submit the Paperwork
You can return the PDF or scanned form to SECC@sfasu.edu. This email address is monitored by Veronica Beavers and Dr. Tim Bisping, who are chairing the campaign.

You also can return a hard copy by Oct. 29 to an SECC leader or Veronica Beavers in the Office of Multicultural Affairs in the Baker Pattillo Student Center or Dr. Tim Bisping in the Rusche College of Business dean’s office.

Win a Car
Those who wish to participate in the Nacogdoches Area United Way My Fair Share program should enter code 430751 on the SECC pledge form and follow the instructions in the My Fair Share program flyer. Qualifying participants will automatically be entered in the drawing.

The Lumberjack spirit of generosity has never been more important. Please consider donating today. Thank you for your support in helping those in need!

Axe ’em!

Veronica Beavers, director
Office of Multicultural Affairs

Dr. Tim Bisping, dean
Nelson Rusche College of Business