Leadership Mail

Campus Climate Survey
Feb. 1, 2022 - 4:02 p.m.

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Dear SFA community,

In December, I shared our plan to distribute a campus identity survey this January that would, with your insight, help us re-envision our Strategic Plan. I wanted to make the campus community aware that two additional requests for campus feedback have prompted us to merge multiple surveys into one Campus Climate survey scheduled to distribute Feb. 15.

The new survey also will fulfill our obligation to assess student satisfaction as required by the Texas Legislature and will help us learn more about the climate around diversity, equity and inclusion on campus.

The survey’s questions intend to help us:

  • shape the course of our renewed Strategic Plan
  • better understand the perception of DEI at SFA in terms of academics, social interactions and campus environment
  • receive student insights into their collegiate experience as a Lumberjack
  • and merge all these distinct inquiries into one questionnaire to reduce survey fatigue.

An important note: Survey answers are completely anonymous. What personal information you provide will be kept by Hanover Research, the company we have partnered with to develop and distribute the survey.

I encourage you all to take what time you need to provide thoughtful and honest feedback when you receive this survey. Your personal perspectives are uniquely important, are not taken lightly and will help direct our university’s course for the future.

To read more about the survey, visit sfasu.edu/about-sfa/campus-climate-survey.