Leadership Mail

Congratulations! Let's celebrate our accomplishments
May 6, 2021 - 8:56 a.m.

Office of the President seal header

Dear members of the SFA community:

I hope you take a moment to celebrate.

This has been an incredible year. The challenges of the pandemic have pushed many of us further than we ever thought possible, and we have risen to the moment. We are resilient and inventive and persistent, and I have seen this in all of you as you have carried out the important work of learning and teaching and serving.

I have seen so much growth as we have faced other challenges, too. Some of them are societal, and some of them are personal, and let’s not forget those brought about by Mother Nature. All of these challenges have required strength and courage to address. As I have seen the grit, grace and gratitude that you have displayed, I am so proud to be a Lumberjack.

It will be a blessing to be together again, to do so safely, and to not ever take for granted the joy of celebrating life and our accomplishments together. We continue to exercise caution and care for our community, because we want to all be together again every chance we get.

Congratulations and thank you for your hard work, your love for life and your striving for success. I encourage you to tell others the same, expressing gratitude and encouragement. We are all in this together, and there is nothing more powerful than the Lumberjack community.

Axe 'em,

Scott Gordon signature

Scott A. Gordon, President