Leadership Mail

Happy Holiday Season
Dec. 9, 2020 - 9:05 a.m.

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Every year, I take time during the holidays to reminisce and reflect on the many blessings I should be thankful for in my life – family, friends and of course my Nacogdoches and SFA communities. While 2020 has been challenging, unprecedented, difficult, and politically contentious, as a community, we have shown our strength, resilience, and willingness to collaborate. For this, I am thankful.

During this past year, I have been constantly reminded of the kindness and generosity of our Nacogdoches and university communities. This year has been very special as we have all had to navigate the global pandemic and the resulting difficulties. We have made it through the fall semester here at SFA and look forward to the exciting things to come in the spring and throughout the next year.

I want to say a heartfelt thank you to the SFA faculty, staff, students and Board of Regents, in addition to the business leaders, elected officials and other members of the Nacogdoches community, for their awesome teamwork and support throughout the past year. While COVID-19 may have altered many of our plans, we did not let it beat us!

The greatness of East Texas is exemplified by the caring people and culture of Nacogdoches. I can feel and see the pride in Nacogdoches and SFA through your acts of kindness and generosity – and I am truly inspired. Nacogdoches and SFA are indeed special places. I see the uniqueness of the community and discover great new qualities each and every day. What a wonderful feeling to be accepted, appreciated and loved.

May your reasons for the season remain in your hearts and be shown in your actions throughout 2021. My warmest thoughts are with you and your family this holiday season and throughout the new year.

Dr. Scott Gordon
President, SFA