Leadership Mail

Telecommuting May 10-14 during cooling shutdown
April 30, 2021 - 2:35 p.m.

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Dear Campus Faculty and Staff:

You received an email on Tuesday, April 27, from the VP of Finance Administration indicating certain buildings would not have cool air conditioning during the week of Monday, May 10, through Friday, May 14. Those include the Austin, Chemistry, Ferguson, Human Services, Kennedy, Liberal Arts, Lumberjack Lodge, Miller Science and Rusk buildings. The lack of cooling in these buildings will result in elevated temperatures.

Pursuant to SFA Policy 11.27 university staff employees may telecommute or work from home (WFH) as approved by unit supervisors. We must ensure that all essential services are conducted with in-person customer service. However, if there are opportunities for certain staff to telework, please follow Policy 11.27, leaving telework decisions at the unit level, and approved through appropriate channels.


Scott Gordon signature

Scott A. Gordon, President