Leadership Mail

Campuswide reminder about free speech of speakers and visitors on campus
Sep. 5, 2022 - 1:21 p.m.

Dear Lumberjacks,

The Stephen F. Austin State University campus is your home, and you should feel accepted and safe here. Our campus comprises a deeply diverse community of people from all walks of life, and we are committed to amplifying a campus culture that nurtures belonging and embraces similarities while celebrating everyone’s uniqueness and right to be heard.

Universities are epicenters for ideas and opinions, and free speech on university campuses helps ensure students have the opportunity to evaluate the merit of those ideas and opinions and decide for themselves which viewpoints they wish to listen to and support. This applies to speakers who visit our campus.

The First Amendment and state law requires SFA to provide an opportunity for all speakers, no matter how controversial their views might be, to assemble, speak, and attempt to attract the attention of others, as long as their conduct is lawful and does not materially and substantially disrupt the functioning of the university.

As Lumberjacks, we honor First Amendment rights, even when we do not agree with others’ opinions. We understand that censorship is not the cure for polarization; dialogue is, and each of you has the freedom to express yourself and the freedom to walk away from those whose views you do not support.

SFA’s Axe Hate Education and Response Team (AHEART) provides resources to the Lumberjack community that promote an open and inclusive environment and help protect First Amendment rights. Students are also always able to contact the Dean of Students Office at dos@sfasu.edu or (936) 468-7258 to discuss resources on and off-campus.

Your time at SFA is special, and we are here to promote an environment where all members of the university community can thrive and succeed. If you have questions, contact the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by email at diversity@sfasu.edu or call (936) 468-6300.

Please visit our mental health resources page for additional resources.