Leadership Mail

Spring Break, Safety, COVID-19 and Face-coverings
March 3, 2021 - 10:22 a.m.

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Dear Colleagues and Students, I hope the first half of the semester has gone well for you and you were able to successfully navigate the extreme weather challenges we experienced. It is my hope for all of us that the remainder of the spring semester will be smooth sailing!

With many traveling or taking some much-deserved time off during Spring Break next week, I want to encourage you to keep yourself and those around you safe. It’s now been one year since we began battling COVID-19, and I understand that this is still top of mind for many of us. It is a substantial health risk, and when we return from Spring Break, the university will continue to work to minimize the risks and limit the spread of the virus.

Although Gov. Greg Abbott has issued an executive order that will lift the statewide mask mandate effective March 10, the SFA COVID Team will be meeting this week and seeking guidance from health agencies and vested entities regarding any changes to the campus safety and health protocols. Until that time, all of our SFA safety protocols will remain in effect.

SFA will continue to make the health and safety of all Lumberjacks a top priority, and I encourage you to visit the university’s COVID-19 page for updates regarding health, student and campus services.

If you are traveling during the upcoming week, make sure someone you trust knows where you are going, when you plan to return, and has contact information for someone at home if you are in need of help. When you arrive at your destination, learn your surroundings and ensure you know how you will return before going out by yourself or in a group.

Whether you are staying home or traveling, I encourage you to take care of one another this coming week. Enjoy yourself, use good judgment, respect those around you, wash your hands, and return to campus rested and ready for the final portion of the academic year. And, as always…

Axe ’em, Jacks!

President Gordon