Leadership Mail

Newly Revised University Policies
April 21, 2022 - 11:05 a.m.

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To: All Faculty and Staff
From: Dr. Steve Westbrook, Interim President
Date: April 21, 2022
Subject: Newly Revised University Policies

The following chart summarizes the changes that were made to university policies implemented or revised at last week’s Board of Regents meeting. Please follow the link from the name of the policy to the newest version in the SFA Policy Manual. You may follow the link on the description of the action/change for each policy to view all the revisions made to that policy.

Policy Name Policy Number Action/Change
Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities 6.1. Minor updates for clarification.
Administrative Systems Software Changes 16.2. Deleted
Campus Program for Minors 13.5. Clarification and corrections to policy definitions and code language.
Compensation from Grants, Contracts and Other Sponsored Agreements 12.1. No changes.
Discontinuance of Program or Academic Unit 5.9. Minor changes.
Distribution of Payroll 12.3. Deleted.
Effort Reporting and Certification for Sponsored Activities 8.1. Minor updates.
Email for University Communication 15.1. No changes.
Facilities and Administration (Indirect) Cost Recovery, Distribution and Use 8.5. Minor updates.
Family and Medical Leave 12.9. Minor changes.
File Maintenance for Faculty Personnel Files 4.6. Minor updates.
Financial Conflicts of Interest in Sponsored Activities 8.2. Minor updates.
Fixed Amount Awards 8.12. Minor changes.
Grants and Contracts Administration 8.3. No changes.
Guest Speaker 16.12. Minor updates made for clarification.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) 8.6. No changes.
Institutional Reserves 3.19. New name and updates for clarification.
Markers, Monuments and Artwork 16.17. Committee changes.
New Employee Orientation 11.17. Minor changes.
News Releases and Media Contact 15.3. New name and updates for clarification.
Payment Card Acceptance and Security 14.8. Minor changes.
Payments to Human Research Subjects 8.8. No changes.
Receipts and Deposits 3.26. Organizational updates and removal of procedures from this policy.
Reproduction of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians 9.2. Text updates for clarification.
Skating, Skateboarding and Motorized Scooters 13.20. Definitions added and text updates for clarification.
Solicitation On Campus 16.25. Updates made to comply with new law and reference to appropriate office.
Space Assignment, Management, and Planning 16.3. Minor changes.
Student Accounts Receivable 3.28. New name, organizational updates and wording changes.
Student Records 2.10. Updated to be in line with FERPA Best Practices.
Travel 3.29. Add definition, remove procedural references, update position titles, and minor word changes.
University Letterhead and Email Signatures 15.5. New name, email signatures, and updates for clarification.
University Publications, Mass Emails, and Webpages 15.8. New name, addition of mass emails and webpages, updates for clarification.