Leadership Mail

Preparing for a Safe Holiday Season
Nov. 18, 2020 - 11:35 a.m.

Preparing for a Safe Holiday Season

November 18, 2020

Dear Lumberjacks,

The Thanksgiving holiday break is just around the corner, and the end of the fall semester will soon be here. It is hard to believe that our residence halls opened for the fall semester more than 90 days ago. We felt we had a good plan for a safe and productive semester in place, but it took all of you who are doing what it takes to keep our community safe – even when it is inconvenient – to get us to this point. Thank you!

Let’s all keep up the strong momentum we have built during the past few months as we focus on the last few weeks of fall and prepare for the spring semester. Cases of COVID-19 are on the rise across the state, and we are seeing some increases in our region as well – so, please, continue to focus on the 3Ws - Wear your masks, Watch your distance, and of course, Wash your hands!

Remote Classes after Thanksgiving

As you know, classes after the Thanksgiving break will be remote only, in most cases. We made this decision early in our planning based on public health guidance that COVID-19 infections can spread when travel increases. Faculty members will share any exceptions with their students, but if you have questions, please contact your faculty members.

Remember that after the break, the residence halls and most campus dining locations will remain open through December 12.

Home for Thanksgiving?

If you plan to join family and friends during the Thanksgiving break, it is important to limit your interactions with others prior to your visit and closely follow public health guidance to minimize the possibility of infection. Be extra cautious if visiting individuals at higher risk of a severe reaction to an infection, like grandparents.

COVID-19 Testing

The SFA Student Health Clinic offers free COVID testing for students and employees while their testing supplies last. The clinic is equipped with a testing platform that provides results as quickly as 15 minutes, and you may schedule a test online via mySFA. Whether you take a test on-campus or at an off-campus provider, remember to report your test by completing the online form on mySFA.

Thank you, again, for your diligence in taking care of yourself and those around you. Maintain your focus through the end of this semester, and finish strong.

I wish you a very happy and safe Thanksgiving, Lumberjacks!

I can’t wait to see you all back at SFA for the spring semester!!!

Dr. G

SFA logo - for signatures Scott Gordon
Stephen F. Austin State University | President's Office

The views and opinions expressed in this message are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Stephen F. Austin State University, its Board of Regents, or the State of Texas.