Leadership Mail

Notification of Active Shooter Drill
June 14, 2022 - 9:10 a.m.

Active Shooter Drill header

June 15, 2022 | Stephen F. Austin State University Campus

The Stephen F. Austin State University Police Department and Office of Emergency Management, in coordination with the Nacogdoches Fire Department, Nacogdoches Police Department and Department of Public Safety, will facilitate a full-scale active shooter drill Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at an unspecified building on the SFA campus.

University police officers, Nacogdoches firefighters, state agency representatives and school personnel will participate in the drill.

This message serves as notification to members of the campus and Nacogdoches communities that the activities and enhanced police presence on June 15 on the SFA campus are a drill and not an immediate threat.

Please call or email Jeremy Pickett, SFA emergency management coordinator, with questions regarding the drill.

Jeremy.Pickett@sfasu.edu - (936) 468-1667