Leadership Mail

Formation of SFA Staff Council
April 26, 2021 - 8:41 a.m.

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Dear Campus Staff: As part of the efforts to build new lines of communication and to enhance shared governance and decision-making, we will be establishing the SFA Staff Council. The Human Resources Department over the next few weeks will solicit input from interested staff, craft a framework for formation, and help guide the process to establish the Council. The Council will begin work after the election of its members.

Like many academic institutions, SFA has faced budget cuts, a global pandemic, declining enrollment, and increasing competition in the recruitment of college-bound students. In order to face these serious challenges head-on and collectively, we must actively seek involvement from a variety of university stakeholders. The Staff Council is an organization common to many institutions of higher education; it informs and advises the president and other university leaders on anything affecting the success of the university from the staff perspective. Below is a brief overview of the Staff Council.

Brief Overview of the Staff Council

The Staff Council will serve in an advisory capacity to the president and other university leaders, ensuring the effective contribution of staff expertise toward university goals and acting as the liaison between the president and staff. The council promotes and enhances the status of university staff, advocating for staff and representing the interest of staff. The council will be led by an executive committee of its members. The Staff Council will consist of non-faculty, benefits-eligible employees. Members will share a commitment to informing their constituents about the work of the council, listening to their concerns, suggestions, and questions, and communicating those effectively to the Council.

As Human Resources collects feedback from interested staff, more information will be shared about the council framework including membership eligibility and representation, the nominating process, and elections. If you are interested and would like to participate, complete the Staff Council Interest Form.


Scott Gordon signature

Scott A. Gordon, President