Leadership Mail

Looking forward to Spring 2021
Dec. 7, 2020 - 7:07 a.m.

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Good Morning Lumberjacks!

You’ve made it through so much, and we are beyond proud of the hard work you put in during the fall semester.

The spring semester begins Friday, Jan. 8, and we want to assure you we’re making every attempt to ensure it runs as smoothly as this past semester.

What the spring will look like?

  • Course delivery methods will remain as flexible as before, with both face-to-face classes and even more distance-learning opportunities.
  • Two 8-week terms will be offered in the spring. These allow you to earn the same number of credit hours for one class in half the amount of weeks as a regular semester.
  • Dining Services will continue to provide students with easy, fast and touchless service.
  • The on-campus residency requirement remains lifted for the entire 2020-21 academic year, so you may choose to live on or off campus.
  • The Student Recreation Center will remain open with its equipment physically distanced so you don’t have to abandon your wellness routine.

If you haven’t met with your advisor yet, we encourage you to contact them soon! The earlier you’re advised, the better the chances are that you’ll be able to get into all the classes of your choice. Find your advisor’s contact information in mySFA.

Keep up the good work! We will see you in January!

Dr. G.

SFA logo - for signatures Scott Gordon
Stephen F. Austin State University | President's Office
T 936.468.2201 | F 936.468.2202

The views and opinions expressed in this message are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Stephen F. Austin State University, its Board of Regents, or the State of Texas.