Leadership Mail

SFA Shared Governance Document
April 20, 2021 - 1:17 p.m.

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Faculty and Staff:

Please find attached the newly developed SFA Shared Governance Document that has been developed during the course of this semester. This document has been jointly developed by the office of the president, senate and the chairs forum. The document is now being shared with all constituent groups in order to receive feedback. Your feedback can be shared with any or all of the individuals below.

While this is the first such document for SFA, it will also be a “living” document that will be reviewed each academic year and updated/modified as necessary.

It has been tremendous to collaborate on such an important document that serves to clarify and institutionalize the mutually agreed upon principles regarding shared governance and putting into practice the legitimate involvement and collaboration of key university constituencies in the decision-making process. Respectfully,

Scott Gordon,
Andrew Lannen,
Faculty Senate Chair
Gary Wurtz,
Chair of Chairs Forum