Leadership Mail

Change in university presidency
April 9, 2022 - 2:16 p.m.

SFA logo/wordmark - primaryPresident Scott Gordon and the university have mutually agreed that it is in the best interest of both parties for the employment relationship to end. The Board has appointed Dr. Steve Westbrook to serve as SFA’s interim president until a permanent president assumes the office.

The Board of Regents wishes to thank Dr. Gordon for his services and to acknowledge the accomplishments of his administration, including but not limited to, the University’s success in navigating the disruptions of the coronavirus pandemic, its establishment of a Distinguished High School program, its progress towards the $100 Million comprehensive capital campaign, its focus on engaging alumni and its enhanced relations with community colleges and with both local and state businesses and political leaders.

SFA’s new interim president, Dr. Steve Westbrook, was first employed by the university in 1981, served as vice president for university affairs from 2007 to 2020 and was the university’s interim president following the death of former president Baker Pattillo until Dr. Gordon’s installation as university president. Since his retirement, Dr. Westbrook has continued to serve as an adjunct faculty member and in 2021 was designated by the Board as Vice President for University Affairs Emeritus. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees from SFA and earned a doctorate in higher education leadership from Texas A&M Commerce.